I wanted to share my experience with Blue Horizon and the way they handled my shipment. The beginning was admittedly rocky as we started to panic a bit because we had to have the shipment delayed. The sales person told us of documentation needed to get our stuff from Mexican customs, we didn’t expect it to take so long. None of this, of course was their fault. We should have allowed more time to plan this out.
I certainly appreciated them warning us it would be a terrible idea to have our stuff leave the US before all the paperwork was approved by the consulate. It would have turned into a nightmare, so big THANK YOU to their staff for being so insistent on waiting instead of just picking up our things and having to be stuck with storage fees in Mexico.
Shipment is now here. It was a very stressful undertaking & I’m glad its over. Blue Horizon helped us immensely in navigating Mexican customs. For that, and their wonderful and patient customer service we are very grateful. I will recommend them to anyone moving abroad without any hesitation.