I just read all of the fantastic reviews, and we must be talking about two different companies. Our experience in California on the pick-up side was great. Gordon did a decent job of communicating and finalizing our contract. The guys that showed up at our home were great (they were a tough bunch of guys that looked like San Jose gang-bangers), but they worked hard all day and got the job done. They only left one gaping hole in a wall - would have been nice if they would have said something about it. The real trouble began in Pennsylvania when someone called me to schedule the delivery. Two American Choice guys showed up to unpack and assemble what about eight guys packed in California. They hired two other guys off of Craigslist who had no idea what they were getting into - they lasted until noon and then quit! The two American Choice guys worked their tails off for two long days, and they got it all unpacked. Somewhere during the move they broke our kitchen table (drove bolts right thru the top while reassembling), an Amish chair back, our heavy sleigh bed, our entertainment center, a solid cherry armoire. They did not say anything about any of the damage, and it took us many days to notice. I alerted Anthem Claim Management, sent them pictures and documentation, and three months later they sent me a form letter saying that since I signed the delivery sheet I accepted the furniture as is. My advice: Know that they are going to break your stuff, they do not care and they will not make it right. If you have the time, inspect every item that you care about before you sign the bill of lading. Take pictures and note on the bill of lading every bit of damage. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure this is norm in the industry.