Messed up company
Joe Blow
Submitted this review about
Review made Live: 7/15/2013 2:25:00 PM
I gave the phone estamator on the thone the final count on my boxes and furniture to be moved..Price quoted $1800+which sounded to good to be true and was...When the people came out to pick up my things..the crew salesman told me it would be $3200+ I sayid no fucking way...I argued about this...He showed me the the phone quote of goods to be was incorrect,,,So I got the price down to $2800..A stinking $1000 more than orginally quoted...Then the truck was 3 days late..They unloaded so fast I couldnt keep track of any numbers that crossed in front of me..some boxes were crushed and some gone through..I also have someones things in my things..WHAT Up MESSED COMPANY..THEY CAN What a stinking company DO NOT USE