Awful Customer Service
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Review made Live: 9/26/2011 5:50:00 PM
As I write this, my belonging are not only several days late, but after taking two days off from work, I was informed today that the driver's truck had broken down on the way from NY to CA. This incident is only the latest screwup of the most poorly handled move I have ever experienced. But it's even worse than that (please read on).
I will skip the part about the packing crew getting into a huge fight in my apartment and the head of the crew firing one of his employees in front of me; and then that employee cursing out his boss in front of me and storming out of my apartment. And I will skip the part about the loading truck not being able to close up its rear properly and driving off with my belongings half-hanging out of the back.
I was originally promised my belongings last week. I was then told this weekend. I was then told Sunday. I was then told Monday morning. After placing two calls this (Monday) morning to the driver, I found out that his truck broke down in Nevada and he was waiting for replacement parts.
After taking several days off from work in a new city in a new job, I called Mayflower/Colonial to express my displeasure and see if, in light of this screwup and the need for me now to take yet another full day off from work, they could take something off their bill.
I was shocked to learn that their answer was simply, "We are sorry, but we cannot provide any reduction in our cost. We're not liable for these sort of delays, and the driver is contractor who works for someone else."
I have never seen a less responsive, less caring customer service department. Mayflower Colonial seems to care less what customers think, and, notwithstanding the several thousands of dollars they are getting from me, they could not even reduce the fee by a token amount to show they care about the multiple delays on delivery, the lost time/money from my job staying home and more days I will now have to stay home.
They are happy to insist that the fine print in the legal contract gives them the flexibility to get away with this sort of awful customer service (a debatable point, at best), they could care less about making the situation right.
Let me be clear: it's so much more than just getting a fee reduction. Mayflower just does not seem to care in the slightest how badly they screw up, how much loss income their screwups inflict on the customer, nor about doing anything to protect their reputation.
I cannot be more clear to others reading this: Avoid, avoid this company at all costs. If the slightest thing goes wrong with your move (and it will!), you're on your own, and this company really could not care in the slightest what the customer thinks of them.